RGIS is an acronym for Retail Grocery Inventory Services. Early success allowed us to scale our business model and rapidly expand into other sectors. Decades later we have far outgrown our name. RGIS now performs more than 174,000 inventories globally per year for companies of all types and sizes.
RGIS has offices throughout Europe, Latin America and Asia Pacific...
With 3,000 Global customers and more than 174,000 inventories completed around the world, we have the resources in the right place to reliably and efficiently complete any project.
Creates Retail Grocery Inventory Services in 1958. Headquarters moves from the basement of the Nicholson home to an office in Detroit, Michigan.
New offices open in Illinois, Florida, Wisconsin, Ohio, Missouri, Indiana, Louisiana and Minnesota. RGIS also creates an international presence in Canada.
RGIS invests in new technologies, introducing the SCM electronic calculator and the custom-designed TJN calculator.
RGIS launches the Audit® microcomputer – proprietary technology. RGIS also develops an HQ Data Center for processing information.
Global reach increases with offices in Mexico, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Israel and Brazil. Technology takes a quantum leap forward with the introduction of the Portable Financial (PORTFN) program.
Offices open in ten more countries. RGIS releases the RM-1 wireless scanner and revolutionizes the way inventory data is captured. Blackstone acquires RGIS.
Advances in wireless technology and software make real-time reporting possible. Mobile apps add new levels of insights and transparency.
Acquisition of Ivalis in Europe and Brazil as well as WIS UK and Mexico increases and strengthens global reach, along with Franchise opportunities being offered. Investment in state-of-the-art advanced technology provides innovative inventory solutions for customers including NGEN Cloud, Voice Count, Finger Laser and RFID.
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Financial Officer – International
Vice President of Global Operations and Process Improvement Team (PIT)
General Counsel and DPO - International
Chief Information Officer - International
Chief Revenue Officer – International
President, Europe
President APAC & LATAM